Bad javascript language design choices

The category discussions about weird JavaScript things is a large and amusing one, probably best exemplified by Gary Bernhardt’s Wat lightning talk.

I’d like to focus on two I haven’t seen discussed as much (though I may simply have overlooked the canonical article). First, const doesn’t work the way it ought to, and second, indexOf’s magic number thing is godawful.

const doesn’t solve the problem it ought to solve.

Consider this situation:

let myArray = [3, null, 5, 7, null, 10];

// => null
// => null
// => null
// => null
// => null
// => null

// => [ null, null, null, null, null, null ]

Wait, what happened!? Well, it turns out the method has a bug:

const printArrayWithNoNulls = (arr) => {
    for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
        if (arr[i] = null) {

Do you see it? We used = instead of == or ===. Not only does the method not work, we’ve also lost our data.

In JavaScript, arrays are pass-by-reference, with the pointer allowing mutation. Let’s redefine our method so it requires a const reference:

const printArrayWithNoNulls = (const *int arr) => { //...

Haha, just kidding. There’s no such thing. Okay, but here’s the real problem: we should change our first line of code:

const myBulletproofArray = [3, null, 5, 7, null, 10];

Let’s do it again. Now at least we’ll have a runtime error showing that we’re trying to mutate our const value:

// => same output, no runtime error. Uh oh...

// => [ null, null, null, null, null, null ]

So, uhh, const, not helping very much, are you?

Okay, I’m going to make a protective copy, then go back to that if things go south.

const myArray = [3, null, 5, 7, null, 10];
const backupArray = [...myArray];


if (myArray !== backupArray) {
    const myArray = backupArray;

    // => Thrown:
    // =>   TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

    // Same eror without `const`


Jeez JavaScript, now you pipe up?

So that’s my problem with const: I want it to be usable as a tool to protect against the (mandatory) pass-by-reference semantics for non-scalar values in JavaScript. The dangers in sharing a pointer to a mutable value are well known: race conditions and inadvertent mutation. In Rust (and C++, etc.), you must opt in to both pass-by-reference and mutability. In Rust you have to mark both things in the function definition: the parameter is mutable and pass-by-reference. You must also mark the variable to be passed to the function as mutable when you declare it, and also mark that the argument is mutable and pass-by-reference at the call site:

// `&` means pass-by-reference, `mut` means mutable
fn print_array(arr: &mut Vec<i32>) {
    for val in arr {
        println!("{}", val);

fn main() {
    // `mut` means mutable
    let mut my_array = vec![1, 2, 3];
    // `&` means pass-by-reference, `mut` means mutable
    print_array(&mut my_array);

Indeed, const in JavaScript affects what may be the least important aspect of mutability: it simply prevents you from rebinding a different value to the same variable name. And indeed, in Rust, as long as you use let again to show that you’re declaring a new variable (albeit one with the same name), you’re fine:

let x = 7;
let x = 10; // No problem

let y = 15;
y = 20; // error: cannot assign twice to immutable variable `y`

let mut z = 20;
z = 30; // No problem

indexOf’s magic number behavior is really, really atrocious.

Consider this:

const myArray = ["foo", "bar", "baz"];

const containsValue = (arr, value) => !!arr.indexOf(value);

containsValue(myArray, "bar"); // => true
containsValue(myArray, "baz"); // => true

Excellent, ship it! Well, let’s try to see if we get any false positives:

containsValue(myArray, "quux"); // => true

Oh, shoot, looks like our code always returns true.

But wait, we overlooked one test case:

containsValue(myArray, "foo"); // => false

We have written a function that returns true in all cases except when we look for the first element of the array.

Why? It has to do with indexOf returning a number—the index—not a boolean.

What happens if a value is missing from the array? Given the foreseeable use cases, together with the fact that all JavaScript values can be implicitly coerced to booleans, surely care has been taken to ensure that the value returned is falsey. So does indexOf return null to indicate that there is no index that has our number? Or does it return NaN to signify that there is no number that can index us to where we want to go? Or false itself, to signify that it is false that the array has the value? All of those would coerce to false.

No, none of those. It’s a number.

Okay, well I’ve got it then: of the 18,437,736,874,454,810,623 distinct numbers that can be expressed in JavaScript,1 precisely one is falsey: 0. That has to be it, right?

Nope, can’t be: the item could be at the zeroth position of the array. It’s starting to sound like this shouldn’t be a number. What number is it, though? The answer is -1. As in, a truthy value. As in, an essentially random magic number. As in, a number whose only benefit is that it is not a valid index into an array. But of course that is also the case for all negative numbers, all floating-point numbers, and for null, undefined, NaN, and false.

Now that magic constant, -1, has to leak into our code, which we otherwise endeavor to keep free of magic constants. And if we assume that since number coerce to booleans, we can rely on getting the right behavior for the value not found case, we’re going to introduce a bug. Grotesque.

  1. Jeffrey Sax, Answer, How many distinct values can be stored in floating-point formats?, Stack Overflow, (Oct. 12, 2011). ↩︎