This article is a love letter to fold
, a.k.a. reduce
, a.k.a.
I love fold for three reasons. First, it is useful in a wide variety of programming contexts. Second, it is a ladder between different levels of abstraction: it is simple to define, but allows operating on collections more abstractly. Third, it can have the same API but be defined based on looping or recursion, and so can help you solve similar problems in similar ways despite coding in different paradigms.
I’ll explain what I mean in the opposite order. I will not take up the topic
of folding infinite collections, laziness, foldl
vs. foldr
, etc.; perhaps
I will write about these ideas another time.
provides the same abstraction across programming paradigms.
We can define fold
iteratively or recursively. Let’s define fold
in each
way (not necessarily the most efficient or with all the bells and whistles):
const iterativeFold = (array, fn, initialAccumulator) => {
let accumulator =
typeof initialAccumulator === "undefined" ? [] : initialAccumulator;
for (const element of array) {
accumulator = fn(accumulator, element);
return accumulator;
const recursiveFold = ([head, ...tail], fn, initialAccumulator) => {
let accumulator =
typeof initialAccumulator === "undefined" ? [] : initialAccumulator;
return head === undefined
? accumulator
: recursiveFold(tail, fn, fn(accumulator, head));
Notice that although recursiveFold
makes its recursive call from the tail
position, most JavaScript engines don’t support tail-call
optimization.2 But that would be a necessary feature in order
to make the recursive definition usable with large collections.
can be used to define all the other important higher-order functions.
Now that we have two definitions of fold
with the same API and equivalent
logic, we can use that to define other important higher-order functions.
// Assume that `fold` is now the name of whichever of the above implementations
// you want. Also notice that we're ignoring the perfectly good `reduce` method
// on JavaScript iterables and are defining one ourselves.
const map = (array, fn) => {
return fold(array, (accumulator, element) => {
// Rebuild our array with every element after applying `fn`
return accumulator;
const filter = (array, fn) => {
return fold(array, (accumulator, element) => {
// Rebuild our array with only those elements that return truthy values when
// `fn` is called with them.
if (fn(element)) accumulator.push(element);
return accumulator;
const all = (array, fn) => {
return fold(
// Accumulator is initialized to `true`. If we ever encounter an element
// that causes `fn` to return a falsey value, we coerce that value to
// Boolean and replace the accumulator with that. Then, no matter how many
// truthy values we later encounter, the accumulator is now locked in as
// `false`, which is the appropriate behavior for `all`.
(accumulator, element) => accumulator && !!fn(element),
const any = (array, fn) => {
return fold(
// Accumulator is initialized to `false`. If we ever encounter an element
// that causes `fn` to return a truthy value, we coerce that value to
// Boolean and replace the accumulator with that. Then, no matter how many
// truthy values we later encounter, the accumulator is now locked in as
// `true`, which is the appropriate behavior for `any`.
(accumulator, element) => accumulator || !!fn(element),
My next article will deal with the problem attentive readers may notice:
these any
and all
functions don’t short-circuit; we can reduce the
constant factor associated with our time complexity if we allow these
functions to break
. The problem, fundamentally, is that we can’t reach from
within the closure to fold
to cause the looping in fold
itself to break.
is useful in a wide variety of circumstances.
When I need to operate on a collection, I generally use this rule of thumb:
- Do I want to return the same collection type with the same number of
elements, but with the elements themselves changed? Use
. - Do I want to return the same collection type with a subset of the original
elements? Use
. - Do I want to do something else (e.g. return a different type, return a
collection with a subset of the original elements and with the elements
changed, iterate with a flag or intermediate result, etc.)? Use
is useful to combine multiple transformations.
In some languages, calling filter
and then map
requires two iterations of
the collection.3 While this does not change the runtime complexity from a
Big-O perspective, (O(n)
== O(2n)
), constant factors are often relevant
in practical applications.
Consider this code:
* From an array of integers, return only the even integers, divided by two.
* @param {Integer[]} numbers - The integers to operate on.
* @returns {Integer[]} The even integers only, divided by two.
const halveEvens = numbers => {
let iterationSteps = 0;
return numbers
.filter(number => {
console.log(`Inside filter; on iterationStep ${++iterationSteps}`);
return number % 2 === 0;
.map(number => {
console.log(`Inside map; on iterationStep ${++iterationSteps}`);
return number / 2;
halveEvens([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
// Inside filter; on iterationStep 1
// Inside filter; on iterationStep 2
// Inside filter; on iterationStep 3
// Inside filter; on iterationStep 4
// Inside filter; on iterationStep 5
// Inside filter; on iterationStep 6
// Inside map; on iterationStep 7
// Inside map; on iterationStep 8
// Inside map; on iterationStep 9
// => [ 1, 2, 3 ]
This code logs 9 iteration steps.
* From an array of integers, return only the even integers, divided by two.
* @param {Integer[]} numbers - The integers to operate on.
* @returns {Integer[]} The even integers only, divided by two.
const halveEvens = numbers => {
let iterationStep = 0;
return fold(numbers, (accumulator, element) => {
console.log(`Inside fold; on iteration step ${++iterationStep}`);
if (element % 2 === 0) {
accumulator.push(element / 2);
return accumulator;
halveEvens([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
// Inside fold; on iteration step 1
// Inside fold; on iteration step 2
// Inside fold; on iteration step 3
// Inside fold; on iteration step 4
// Inside fold; on iteration step 5
// Inside fold; on iteration step 6
// => [ 1, 2, 3 ]
This code logs 6 iteration steps, the minimum possible.
is useful when we want to operate on a collection to return a different type.
To sum the elements of an array, we can use fold
const sum = numbers => {
return fold(numbers, (total, number) => total + number, 0);
sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]);
// => 55
is useful when we must iterate with a flag or intermediate result.
We can implement max
and min
with fold
by making the max or min so far
encountered take the place of the accumulator.
const max = numbers => {
return fold(
(bestSoFar, current) => (current > bestSoFar ? current : bestSoFar),
max([3, 0, 10, 2, 1001, -1000, 1000]);
// => 1001
Or, imagine a game in which you must collect two tinyBooomer
s or one
to win. A nothing
does nothing and a whammy
makes you lose,
assuming you haven’t yet won.4
There are refactors to be done by extracting some classes, etc., but here’s an illustration of what I mean:
const tinyBoomer = Symbol("tinyBoomer");
const megaBoomer = Symbol("megaBoomer");
const nothing = Symbol("nothing");
const whammy = Symbol("whammy");
const isWinningGame = gameTape => {
return fold(
(status, event) => {
const gameOver = status.hasWon || status.hasLost;
if (!gameOver) {
switch (event) {
case whammy:
status.hasLost = true;
case megaBoomer:
status.hasWon = true;
case tinyBoomer:
status.tinyBoomerCount += 1;
if (status.tinyBoomerCount >= 2) status.hasWon = true;
return status;
hasWon: false,
hasLost: false,
tinyBoomerCount: 0,
const winner = [tinyBoomer, nothing, nothing, tinyBoomer, whammy];
const loser = [tinyBoomer, nothing, whammy, tinyBoomer, megaBoomer];
// => true
// => false
Attach a mutable scope
You can use fold
to help attach a scope for mutating an object in a scope
that ends when you’re done mutating it. That was the topic of another
❧ ❧ ❧
I will admit to overusing fold
a bit. But I hope you can see why its
versatility is appealing, both from a pragmatic and an aesthetic perspective.
It is unclear to me why Ruby thinks all of the big higher-order functions must end in –ect:
), andreject
, but retain only values for which the closure returnsfalse
). I will admit thatreject
is pretty useful and well named, but those other ones seem pretty bloody-minded—particularlycollect
, a name much better suited to the way Rust uses it. ↩︎See Juriy Zaytsev, Leon Arnott, Denis Pushkarev, ECMAScript 6 compatibility table (last visited Dec. 5, 2019). ↩︎
This is the power of
in Rust andlazy
in Ruby. ↩︎To make this efficient we’d want to be able to short-circuit, which will be the subject of the next article.] ↩︎